Generally, attorney fees are not set by law, but are negotiable between the attorney and the client. There are two major methods of setting fees followed by most attorneys; hourly and contingent (percentage of recovery). Sometimes a hybrid method is utilized, combining a lower hourly rate with a percentage of the recovery. Sometimes a flat fee is appropriate for a specific matter or undertaking. Pro Bono (free of charge) and reduced fees are part of the legal profession’s tradition of contributing to a more just society.
Dorfman Law Office bases its charges on Mr. Dorfman’s regular rate of $450.00 per hour. When appropriate, associate attorneys, law clerks and paralegals may be utilized in order to efficiently save on fees.
For medical malpractice cases, there are legal limits to the percentages attorneys may obtain as fees, and these percentages are calculated after all costs advanced by the attorneys have been subtracted. This scheme makes it very difficult for skilled attorneys to take on these types of cases, which has resulted in many injured patients being deprived of compensation. Unfortunately, Dorfman Law Office is only able to pursue a very limited number of these matters.
For non-medical malpractice (and non-probate) cases, the percentage allowable as attorney fees, as well as how it is calculated, is not set or limited by law. Dorfman Law Office considers each client’s specific matter and circumstances when negotiating contingency agreements, including how costs will be handled.
Dorfman Law Office is privileged to offer low or no fee representation as a contribution to a more just society. Please feel free to contact us to bring any worthy situation to our attention.